៚VARiETYHUB: an account dedicated to
posting content for the anime fandoms you enjoy !

៚ADMiNS: the creators behind ‘varietyhub’ !

continue to see admins

៚JAY: i just woke up from another nap !
Virgo :: 4Teen :: Black
LiKES: sleeping, food, reading, purple, poems, shopping
DiSLiKES: loud people
FAVS: Tsukishima & Aran

YAMi !
៚YAMi: don’t do drugs !
Scorpio :: 5Teen :: Biracial
LiKES: poetry, metaphoric writing, baking, simplicity, sage green, crystals
DiSLiKES: ignorance
FAVS: Semi, Mikasa, Jean, Hange, Oikawa

៚LELE: no, absolutely not. !
Aquarius :: 6Teen :: Biracial
LiKES: morning rain, iced coffee, spicy food, reeses, horror movies, b99, true crime
DiSLiKES: spiders, people who sing over the music, bts antis
FAVS: Todoroki, Oikawa, Tsukishima, Izuku, Semi, Osamu, Mina, Genos, Loid Forger, Reiner, Gabi, Giorno
iNTERESTS: making moodboards

៚TiMAH: time to go night night !
Capricorn :: 5TEEN :: Black
LiKES: painting, reading/writing
DiSLiKES: kiwis
FAVS: Suna, Kurumu, Jean
iNTERESTS: running the 4x2, r&b, painting
continue to see more info
៚iNFO: interacting rules and more information about the account !
iNFO !

VARiETYHUB is a an anime multi fandom account dedicated to content for your favorites. The owners for the account are black/black mixed and write to cater to black audiences and more !
DNi: if you fit basic dni criteria, make cringey/offensive haikyuu jokes, power scalers, or are here to leave hate, support problematic creators, and lastly if you sexualize minors or are an adult who selfships with a minor (looking at you MHA fans)
BYF We are all minors if you’re uncomfortable with that then feel free to leave. We post on the account whenever we have free time!